Aeropress (Inverted Method)
Coffee: 20g
Water: 240g
Temp: 176F-200F
Ratio: 1:12 (coffee : water)
Grind: Med-Fine (Baratza Encore Setting 14)
Brew Time: 1:15 min
In terms of water temperature, I encourage you to play with temperatures between 176F and 200F. Different flavors can be highlighted with different temperatures.
Pre-wet filter and preheat serving cup.
Invert the Aeropress on the scale and tare it to 0 grams.
Pour coffee into Aeropress with provided Aeropress funnel
Start timer and pour 40g of water. Bloom for 30 seconds.
At 0:30, pour remaining 200g of water stopping at 240g (40g Bloom + 200g pour)
Place cap and filter onto Aeropress
Empty preheat water from serving vessel and place the Aeropress right side up onto serving vessel
At 1:15, begin pressing the Aeropress plunger
Aim to be done pressing by 1:45 (30 sec of pressing)
- I stop pressing when I hear the first sound of air after the water is pressed through the coffee puck.